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Funfair Rides
Reviving a long tradition of Annual Street funfairs in Stony Stratford, Keith Emmett & Sons have been
regular partners for the Swich-on funday celebrations for many years


Keith Emmett & Sons

Based just down the road in Cosgrove, Keith Emmett & Sons are funfair operators with an international reputation. Their regular sponsorship of our popular celebration continues to be a very important part of 'balancing the books'. The Famous Emmett Fairground Organ, it's a great privilege to know we are one of the very few events anywhere in the country to regularly showcase Emmett's beautiful and rare Fairground Organ. Taking pride of place in the High Street at 'The Top of the Town'(next to the junction with Wolverton Road), local residents and visitors alike can feel a sense of excitement rising as they hear the distinctive sound of the famous Fairground Organ to welcome their arrival. You can hear the Emmett Organ perform in all its glory at 20 mins intervals throughout the day.

Please don't bring dogs into crowded areas on Switch-on day



Especially for Children

With great skill and ingenuity, each year Emmetts manage to squeeze in an amazing selection of rides and sideshows suitable for families with younger children into our historic High Street. You'll find most of them at the southern end of the High Street between the Emmett Fairground Organ and the pedestrian entrance to Cofferidge Close. Children's Funfair Rides start at 9:30am, and apart from a short pause whilst the Lantern Procession goes by at about 4.30pm, continue until 5:30pm.

Teenagers and Families

Older residents of the town will remember with nostalgia and affection,
the regular twice a year funfairs of their youth - a sudden and eagerly
anticipated buzz of excitement in what was then a rather sleepy Market
Town. Some of the funfairs were held on what used to be known as
'The Fair Field' along the Wolverton Road (land that was subsequently
built on to became Breton and Ryland). But others were held on the
Market Square, just a stone's throw from the High Street; the firmness
of the roadway always a bonus when it was a bit damp underfoot!
On Switch-On Day, as well as Watling Fest and our Circus Workshop,
the Market Square is where you will find a number of bigger rides more
suitable for teenagers and families. Funfair Rides on the Market Square
start at 9.30am, and apart from a short pause for the arrival of the Lantern
Procession at about 4.45pm and the Official Switch-On Ceremony at
precisely 5.00pm, the rides continue until later depending
on the weather of course!

The Switch On & Funday is organised by the Christmas Lights At Stony Stratford committee. Special thanks go to Stony Stratford Business Association for their generous grant and the Stony Stratford Town Council for their support. Thanks also go to York House Centre Lantern Committee, Domino's Pizzas, Carters Estate Agents, the team who put the lights up, Odell & Co, Thames Valley Police, Keith Emmett & Sons, St Mary & St Giles Church, Pete Jelfs, Nick Bosworth, The Stony Bard, all our entertainers, stallholders, stewards and volunteers for their invaluable contribution to make the day successful.

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